Smart Info Boxes

This example uses the onmouseover,onmouseout, and onmousemove event handlers to open an information box when the user moves the mouse over keywords. This example also uses setTimeout and clearTimeout to make the boxes persist for a few moments after the mouse moves off of the keyword. The info box title, text and dimensions are held in an associative 2-dimensional array.

Click on any of the dark-red, bold words below to pop an info box. This technique could be used to display glossary definitions.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut facilisis, dui nec gravida molestie, felis sapien aliquam leo, quis accumsan urna eros non magna. Cras dui mi, auctor in, malesuada a, iaculis et, erat. Quisque rhoncus magna quis pede. Etiam rhoncus iaculis tortor. Maecenas leo ligula, vulputate et, condimentum et, cursus sit amet, mauris. Maecenas justo. Cras in turpis. Praesent sed est a nisi tristique sodales. Quisque venenatis lectus at quam. Sed tincidunt. Duis rutrum scelerisque odio. Vestibulum sit amet nisi nec tellus vestibulum suscipit. Nulla non erat. Donec aliquet metus at massa.

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